Adding UMP System Operator (Mandatory)

You need to define the Local System operator that is used for REST communication between Live Platform and UMP-365.

To define the local system operators:
1. In the Operators screen (System > Administration > Operators), click Add > System Operator.

2. Enter the Operator Name and password.
3. From the Security Level drop-down list, select Operator.
4. Select the UMP Operator check box.
5. (Optional) Enter the IP addresses from which are valid to login.
6. Enter other personal details fields as required.
7. Select the Advanced Info tab.
8. Set option ‘Password Validity Max Period (Days)’ to 0 (never expires).

You must also configure the equivalent setting for the UMP operator on Office 365 (see Create UMP Service Account)

9. Click OK.
10. In the Operators screen (Network > Devices), mark the UMP device and click Edit
11. Under HTTP, please update the “Device Admin User” = Alice, and “Change Device Admin” = Pass123$

12. Click OK.